Sunday, October 7, 2018

Testing the website/app and earn money

Testing the website/app and earn money

User testing is a great way to discover problems with your website or app. And to increase empathy with your users.

How does user testing work?

  • You ask a number of people to perform a number of typical tasks on your website or intranet.
    Or on a mock-up if you're in the process of building a new one.
  • The test is performed on an individual basis.
    So it’s not like a focus group where there's a bunch of people giving you feedback all at once.
    Please, don't ever call a focus group a user test.
  • The test participant should belong to your target audience. Recruit for engagement, not demographic representation.
    Ideally, the test participants are existing or potential clients.
  • Everything the test participant does and says is recorded.
    That way you and your team can review and analyze the data afterwards.  
  • Encourage the test participant to think aloud. 
    Simply let them vocalize whatever's going through their head while they're surfing on your site. If this doesn't come naturally to them, don't push it. Observing participants' behaviour is more important than listening to what they're saying.

Why is user testing more valuable than an expert review?

4 reasons why a good usability expert will often recommend to do a user test.

1. Experts don’t know everything

No matter how much expert knowledge and experience you have, you can’t know everything.
You can’t always judge situations perfectly. That’s a lesson I've learnt in more than 17 years as a usability expert. You can read more on that topic in our article 'Experts don't know everything, not even usability experts'.

2. Facts trump opinions

Clients can always dismiss expert advice with the argument "Yeah sure, but that’s just your personal opinion, right?".
User tests reveal facts.
And facts trump opinions any day of the week.

3. Ignoring your own clients is difficult

Or at least, ignoring your own clients is more difficult to do than ignoring expert advice. 
If you have seen with your own eyes that 5 out of 6 people have trouble using the filter navigation in your webshop, there's no way you can't realize this is a problem you have to fix.

User testing creates empathy with your users. If they're struggling on your site, I can tell you that's very painful to watch. You get to share in that struggle. 

4. Convincing and durable proof

A video that shows your customers and potential customers having trouble with your website, cursing your interface?
That has immense power. That kind of video will shut up even the most die-hard, ego-tripping know-it-all experts and directors during board meetings. 
Also, you can re-use the recordings at any stage of the project. Whenever that same old discussion rears its ugly head again, you just whip out that recording: “Remember, this is what we saw during user testing...”.
Keep hammering on that nail.

Most common types of user testing

1. Moderated user testing

The classic user test set-up is in-person moderated user testing. The moderator sits next to the test participant and asks questions. 
This old-school method still has a lot of benefits. Observing the user in person and being able to ask them additional questions based on what they're doing or saying at a certain point, can give you very deep insights into what's really wrong with a website. 
To me, that is priceless information. And it can't be replicated by any other method. There are some things you simply can't get out of mouse clicks and scroll maps.  
Having said this, good moderating skills are obviously key in moderated user testing. The way the moderator asks the questions and even just the way she sits or looks at the user, can heavily influence your test results. 

2. Remote moderated user testing

The biggest disadvantage of the 'classic' in person user test is that your test participants either have to come to you or you have to go to them. And time is simply money.
With remote user tests, the moderator and test participant can be wherever they want to be, as look as they're looking at the same website on some screen or other. With screen sharing software that’s a piece of cake nowadays.
If your user has a webcam, you can also see their face. Which makes it a good alternative for in-person moderated user testing.
We often do remote moderated testing if we need test participants from different countries. It's also a great solution if you only want to test something small: one particular page or a step in a process. 

3. Remote unmoderated user testing

As you probably already guessed, there is no moderator in this type of testing. 
There are 2 main variations of remote unmoderated user testing where you have footage of the test participant's actions on your website as well as feedback:
  • Recorded image and sound
    Users are asked to think out loud.

    To be fair, I'm not a big fan of this method. It relates to classic user testing like sardines to caviar.
    Many test participants you get with these tools sound as if they're semi-professional test users.
    You can also test with your own user panel. Which is definitely an improvement on using the tool's testers.
  • Recorded mouse movements and time
    In this method, you don't see the test participant and you don't hear them. They see the task on the screen, perform the task and fill out a questionnaire to give additional feedback after each task.
My biggest issue with this type of testing is that it leaves out any real communication or interaction with the user. If they make a comment you don't really understand, you can't ask them that all-important question: why?

If a test participant says something during a user test you want to get to the bottom of, keep asking why until there are no why's left.

And what about eye tracking?

We’ll discuss eye tracking in a separate article. Eye tracking can be very interesting, but it’s all too often misused and abused.

Other user research tools

There are of course lots of other user research tools out there.
I really like HotJar's user session recordings if you want to get a quick look of how people use your pages.
Sometimes a problem is so obvious all you need to see is those erratic mouse movements and rage clicks.
For our information architecture projects, where we often have mock-ups we like to test on, I'm a big fan of Optimal Workshop's first click testing tool Chalkmark.

Start a $100 per Hour Consulting Business in 5 Minutes with clarity

Start a $100 per Hour Consulting Business in 5 Minutes with clarity

Clarity earnings are incremental; it’s $1300 I wouldn’t have made otherwise. I say that because my “clients” don’t have a pre-existing relationship with me, but this platform brought us together.
This post will cover:
  • What Clarity is.
  • How it works.
  • How to set up YOUR expert profile for success.
  • How to earn your first reviews.
  • My tips and tricks to maximize your earnings.
  • Other Clarity-like platforms you might consider.

What is

Clarity is the marketplace to get one-on-one expert advice on a wide variety of business topics. The site makes it easy to facilitate quick Q&A-style consulting calls.
The site was established in 2012 by Dan Martell, and now boasts more than 30,000 experts and facilitates more than 12,000 consulting calls every month. The company, which raised an initial seed round of $1.6 million, was acquired by Fundable earlier this year.
clarity mark cuban
Consider one of the common themes of Side Hustle Nation: putting your “buy buttons” on marketplaces that already exist.
Clarity is one of those marketplaces. People are browsing on there looking for answers to specific questions — and even better, they’re ready and willing to spend some money for help.
For service-based businesses and consultants, this is another potential way for clients to discover you; one that doesn’t rely 100% on your own marketing efforts.
It’s not passive income, but there’s also very little overhead involved.
My average call lasts 20-25 minutes and earns $36.40.
clarity-fm homepage

How Works

How Clarity works is as a facilitator between experts and those needing expert advice. If I’m looking for help with a specific business question, I can go on and browse qualified professionals to set up a call with.
For example, if I need help with Infusionsoft, I can find specialists on-demand who can help me out:
clarity search results example
To set up a call:
  • I fill in a little form to give my expert an idea of what I want to talk about.
  • Estimate how long I think the call will run.
  • Suggest 3 times, beginning as early as an hour from the time I make the request.
clarity set up a call
Clarity will bill me immediately for the estimated length of the call, and refund me the difference if the call is shorter than anticipated. (And charge me the overage if we run long.)
The company provides a conference call number to dial in to, and tracks how long the call lasts. You pay only for the time both you and the expert are on the line.

Setting up your Clarity profile

The first you need to do is to create an expert account, which is free.
clarity-fm sign-up page
Next, Clarity offers a few ways to “verify” your account with other social media profiles, and at the very you must connect your LinkedIn account. (It’s required.)
While I can’t be sure, I imagine these verifications will be a “ranking factor” in Clarity’s search algorithm if they’re not already. It’s also a way to safeguard you really are who you say you are — so people like me can’t pretend to be Mark Cuban and charge $167 a minute!
clarity verifications

Setting Your Rate

When setting up your profile, you’ll be asked to set your hourly consulting rate. Rates on Clarity start at $60 per hour, but generally average $100-300 per hour:
clarity set hourly rate

Your Areas of Expertise

Each expert on Clarity can have up to 5 areas of expertise. Naturally, it makes sense to fill out all 5 to give yourself the best shot of being discovered.
Like all marketplaces, there’s a search engine element to clarity. Consider your expertise headings as your main keywords you’ll be targeting in “Clarity SEO.”
clarity-fm montina portis

Building Your Profile: Your First Calls and Reviews

Whenever you start on a new marketplace (Amazon, Udemy, Fiverr, Upwork, Etsy, etc.), you’re starting from scratch so it’s on you to give your profile the initial push it needs to get some real attention.
Thankfully, Clarity is aware of this problem and has a cool workaround for new experts. (After all, they want you to succeed because that’s how they get paid.)
The best way to collect your initial Clarity reviews is to set up free calls through the platform. Each expert has the ability to generate a “promo” VIP link you can share with friends, clients, or other trusted individuals.
clarity-fm vip link

Maximizing Your Clarity Earnings

On each call, you can kind of get a feel for the type of customer you’re dealing with. Some are happy with a long rambling conversation, while others have a precise pre-written list of questions they expect you to answer. Some, surprisingly, love to hear themselves talk and will dominate the conversation.
I’m an excellent listener when the clock is ticking!

Downsides to Clarity

One of the most frustrating parts of Clarity is at the moment their suggested call times don’t integrate with your calendar, so it will occasionally take a few back-and-forth rounds before you find a time that works for both parties.
Also, this is a small annoyance, but every time I withdraw my earnings I have to pay the PayPal transaction fee as well. For example, on my last withdrawal PayPal took $16.95 in fees from my $427.01 in earnings. I wouldn’t normally complain, but I don’t see those fees with similar payments from Udemy or Fiverr. Alternatives

Clarity may be the most prominent player in the one-on-one expert advice arena, but there are a handful of alternatives you can try out as well.
  • WizIQ – focused on academic tutoring.
  • – focused on personal growth and self-improvement.
  • PopExpert – “get better at life, work, and play.”
  • 24Sessions – business advice for entrepreneurs.
  • – [discontinued] offer your assistance for free (for lead gen and market research).
(Google had a competing service called Helpouts, but shut it down in 2015.)

Your Turn

Go forth and sell your expertise on Clarity!
Have you tried out the platform already? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below if this side hustle sounds doable to you.
clarity consulting

Easy to Make Website With Book-Like-a-boss and earn money

Easy to Make Website With Book-Like-a-boss and earn money

Image result for book like a boss


We're all busy, so everybody's got a calendar app they use to try and organize their time. But when you're an entrepreneur, creative, or leader, a simple calendar app just can't handle all of your bookings, appointments, and important meetings. That's where Book Like A Boss comes in. This all-in-one scheduling platform helps you take appointments, sell your services, manage your business, and even build your very own website to better organize and brand yourself and the services you provide. If you're a boss, you need to Book Like A Boss. 

600 Upvotes on Product Hunt 

  • Integrates w/ Stripe and/or Paypal to get paid
  • Works w/ your Google, Outlook, Office 365 or iCloud calendar so you're never double booked
  • Embed your calendar on sites like WordPress, Squarespace, & more
  • Add up to five automatic email reminders & allow for easy cancellation and rescheduling
  • Build out unlimited packages & appointments
  • Create forms for questions you want answered at the time of booking
  • Design your page w/ custom header, footer, video, photo gallery, social media links, FAQs, testimonials, & much more
  • Add Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Call Page, & more
  • Set buffer times between meetings, prevent last minute meetings, create secret event types, & more

Details & Requirements

  • Your own web page with the URL:
  • Support included
  • Unlimited bookings
  • Unlimited appointments
  • Sell unlimited
  • All future upgrades to Small Boss included


  • Internet required


  • Redemption: must redeem within 30 days of purchase
  • Length of access: lifetime


  • Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 15 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.

Make Money With Shoutcart

Make Money With Shoutcart

Shoutcart Homepage

When you’re in the market for a product, how do you decide which of the many brands making that product to go with? Do you pay attention to the TV commercials or ads in your browser? Do you go reading reviews on Amazon or Google’s shopping center?
No, most people skip the easily modified and “corruptible” methods and instead choose to ask their friends and family. They turn to social media and post a question, ask for recommendations, or just look to see what the people they follow are using.

Enter: Shoutcart
That middleman relationship is where Shoutcart comes into play. Shoutcart is one of the larger and more visible companies working in the influencer marketing niche. They purport to hook you up with influencers who, combined, reach over 400 million active followers.
Is Shoutcart worth the money? Well, I’ll get to that. First, though, let’s take a look at what they claim to offer, and a few looks into what they actually provide.
Shoutcart Stats
Shoutcart, like any good web business, puts a bunch of selling points right on their homepage. They call themselves the number one platform for influencer marketing, and who am I to dispute it? I don’t have access to the inner workings of every such platform.
Shoutcart Example Accounts in Market

Investigating the Audience

We’re looking at Shoutcart from the business perspective. The idea being to determine whether or not purchasing a shoutout is worth the price.
First of all, if you don’t create a (free) account and log in, all you can see is the username, profile picture, follower number, and ShoutScore for each influencer. You have limited access to filtering tools, and you can’t see the type of account, the type of channel, or the price for the shoutout. All of that information, plus all the other filters, become available once you register an account.
Shoutcart Pricing
The two non-standard filters are for active hours and for their ShoutScore. Active hours come in four ranges, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night. They are, respectively, 6am to noon, 1pm to 6pm, 6pm to 11pm, and 1am to 6am. I suppose people who are only active from midnight to 1am aren’t included, or something. Who knows.
Shoutcart Filters
Let’s look at some of the accounts they offer, actually. Here are those top three:
  • 9.carat on Instagram. This account has 15,700 followers and has the highest score at 29.72. Their account on Instagram has the same metrics, and posts humorous videos of all kinds. It appears like they used to post a lot of #aesthetic photos, but pivoted into video around April of this year. Their price is $10, which is very reasonable.
  • Viakavish on Instagram. This account has 228,000 followers, and their shoutout price is $250. They appear to be a cartoonist posting largely doodles and simple animations, and I don’t actually see any recent shoutouts on their page.
  • Marcy on Instagram. This account appears to be a musician and Youtuber from Venezuela. They post their own content for the most part, and I don’t see any recent shoutouts here either. They have almost 50,000 followers and their price is a mere $20.
On the other end of the spectrum, here are some lower scoring choices.
  • Inhibition on Twitter. This account has a ShoutScore of 0.26, and their price is $10. Shoutcard claims they have 123,000 followers. It appears to be a personal Twitter account for some dude out in Los Angeles.
  • Atpwtamemes on Twitter. This account has a Shoutscore of 1.2 and charges $10 for a shoutout. Scoutcart claims they have 3,600 followers. They’re a narrow niche of tennis memes.
  • Drdavinahs on Instagram. Shoutcart gives this account a 3.9 and they have set a price of $30. They have 22,100 followers and primarily post about various health foods, recipes, and supplements, probably with some MLM involved if you dig.
Example Shoutcart Sellers
I also decided to see if any of the people in their network have an actually high follower count. Are there any who have more than five million followers? Surprisingly, yes.
  • Bestvines on Instagram has 8.7 million followers, a ShoutScore of 9.89, and a price of $800 for a shoutout. As you might expect, they post old Vines to re-live the glory days of that dead platform.
  • Theloversayings on Instagram has 8.1 million followers and a ShoutScore of 8.31. Their price is $230, significantly lower than the first place account, which I chalk up to the fact that their account is set to private. I have no idea how active they are behind the wall.
  • Notcommonfacts on Instagram has 7.7 million followers, a ShoutScore of 9.22, and a price of $220. Their account is also private.
  • Autocorrects on Twitter has 5.5 million followers, a ShoutScore of .08, and a price of $120.

Is Shoutcart Worth The Price?

There’s no denying that influencer marketing can be quite powerful. The problems I see with Shoutcart are that most accounts aren’t all that great, and while shoutouts are cheap for them, I don’t see you getting much in the way of returns. On the other hand, the majority of the reasonable accounts have prices under $1,000, and that’s still a decent budget for a suitably large brand. If you could get a good shoutout on BestVines and get decent returns, you could come out ahead.

Earn Money With Youtube Channel

Earn Money With Youtube Channel

Start with the basics

The first thing you’ll need to do is actually create your business channel, and YouTube makes it incredibly easy to do. With just a couple of clicks, you’ll be ready to dive into setting up your new channel.
  • Sign into YouTube and click on the user icon at the top right of the screen
  • Click on the gear icon to get to your account’s YouTube Settings
  • Click on Create a new channel
  • Then choose “Use a business or other name”
  • Add your Brand name and click create

Fill in the about section

Next, you’ll want to fill out your profile and channel description; this is the first option you see after you have created a channel. Here, you should describe your brand and what viewers can expect to see on your channel. This is also a great place to add links to your website and other social media networks that you use. This description will appear in more than one place on your channel, so be sure to put your best foot forward when filling it out!

Channel your art

When you go to a YouTube channel, you’ll immediately be greeted with a large banner displaying the channel name. This is your cover photo and is prime real estate for introducing your brand.

Wix YouTube Cover Photo

Know your market, know your content type

Since you’re starting a YouTube channel for your own business, you should have more than enough source material to work with, and you can approach your video content in more than one way.

Lights, camera, trailer!

Like your channel art, you’ll also want to create your channel trailer. Channel trailers are usually short and sweet, and are a good introduction for new visitors. You can let your audience know who you are, what your business is all about and what kind of content they can expect to see in the future. Creating your channel trailer will also be good practice leading up to your first video.

Upload your first (official) video

At this point, you’ve probably done a fair amount of research about your first video, and if you already have your channel trailer under your belt, you have a bit of practice as well! Now it’s time to take and say “action.”

Optimize for search

When uploading a video, you’ll be asked to fill in a title, description, and tags. These are essential components to have your video easily discoverable in YouTube search, so don’t skimp on them!

Stay consistent

Don’t expect success if you plan to create a YouTube channel, upload one video and then neglect it completely. Creating a successful YouTube channel takes time and effort, and viewers expect consistency from the channels that they subscribe to. After your first video, be sure to plan the next few videos ahead of time.

Integrate your channel in your website and social  

You have a website and now a YouTube channel. Great! Now it’s time to share your videos outside of YouTube and your website should be their first stop. Here are a couple of ways to showcase your videos on your website.

Engage with your community

YouTube wouldn’t be what it is today without viewers actively viewing and engaging with video content that businesses like yours and people like Jenna Marbles create, so make sure to engage back!

Think about investing in YouTube ads

Ready to take things to the next level? At some point, you may want to look into investing into YouTube Advertisements to get your brand out there even further. Even if you’re not sure where to start, there’s a wealth of information available to you to get you where you need to go.
YouTube Views  

Analyze, optimize, repeat

Even the best can do better. Once you have a foothold on your channel, it’s time to get a bird’s-eye view of how it’s performing. YouTube Analytics will help you along the way and will guide you in the direction of how you may want to optimize your videos for the future.

Work at home With Virtual Assistant

One of the easiest ways to work from home is by doing virtual assistant (VA) work. Virtual assistants are skilled, home-based professionals that offer companies, businesses, and entrepreneurs administrative support.
Virtual assistants perform a wide variety of tasks … in fact, the services that you can offer are endless and all depend on your background training, experience, and skills.

Here are some common tasks that virtual assistants complete:

  • Making phone calls
  • Email correspondence
  • Internet research
  • Data entry
  • Scheduling appointments
  • Editing
  • Writing
  • Bookkeeping
  • Marketing
  • Blog management
  • Proofreading
  • Project management
  • Graphic design
  • Tech support
  • Customer service
  • Event planning
  • Social media management

Where do you find virtual assistant jobs? 

  • 24/7 Virtual Assistant
  • Assistant Match
  • Belay
  • eaHelp
  • Fancy Hands
  • Freelancer
  • FlexJobs
  • People Per Hour
  • Red Butler
  • Time Etc.
  • Uassist.Me
  • Upwork
  • VaVa Virtual Assistants 
  • Virtual Assistant USA
  • Virtual Staff Finder
  • Worldwide 101 
  • Ziptask
  • Zirtual

How much do virtual assistants earn? 

Depending on what services you offer, how long you’ve been working in the field, and your experience, virtual assistants can make anywhere from $12 – $60 per hour. If you're running your own VA business, there are a few different ways that you can charge for your services; by the hour, by the task, project, or package – explore what options work best for you and your clients.

Want to start your own VA business?

Like any other home business, you will need to educate yourself on the best business practices, file all of the appropriate paperwork, and get your legal and financial ducks in a row. Once you set up the preliminary business framework, you can start working on the fun parts of your business.
1. Choose a niche.
There are many different services you can offer, but even something more to consider is who would you like to work for? While some VAs are generalists and work on a wide variety of tasks, it's easier and more lucrative to choose a specialty. Figuring out what niche you want to focus on can be a challenge, but if you mind-map your passions, interests, experience, and knowledge you can narrow it down relatively easy.
Still uncertain? This list has a bunch of services you can offer that can help you determine your specialty.
2. Build a website.
To be competitive as a virtual assistant, you need to have a website. Having an online presence will help you attract more clients, it gives you a place to showcase your work, list your services and testimonials, and it makes you look more professional. Don't worry, setting up a website is easy and affordable. This post has step-by-step instructions that will have you up and running in no time — and it's affordable!
3. Market your business.
There are tons of ways to promote your VA business; the thing you need to remember is consistency is key. Choose two to three methods that you think you'll enjoy doing and spend time each day working on those methods.
Not sure of your options? Here are just some of the ways you can market your business:
  • Social media
  • Cold calling
  • In-person networking
  • Email marketing
  • Blogging
  • Lead generation
  • PR opportunities
  • Public speaking
  • Guest blogging
  • Print advertising
  • Forum participation
  • Email prospecting
  • Facebook groups
Now that you've got your website in place and you're actively marketing your business, it's time to connect with potential clients. Some experts believe you should follow up with five to ten new prospects a day until you have a constant flow of clients in your pipeline.
4. Invest in your VA business. 
As your cash flow builds, you’ll want to reinvest some of it into professional development. Luckily, they are events, conferences, webinars, teleconferences, online courses, books, membership sites, mastermind groups, and coaching sessions – there is something to fit every budget and every niche. By investing in yourself and your business, you gain the knowledge, information, and skills to make your freelance business a success.
Starting your own VA business may seem like a far off distant dream – but if you take the first step, you can make it a reality. Good luck on your journey!

Earn Money in Champcash - Digital India App

Champcash | Earn Upto Rs. 5000 Per Day‎

"Champcash is an Android Application Through which Anyone Can be a Millionaire By Just Installing Some Apps in Mobile. Just Refer Champcash to Your Friends and Ask them to Complete the Challenge By installing 8-10 Apps in their Android phone, You will Get its payment instantly," the company says on its website.
The app is listed under entertainment on Google Play and its title is "Champcash Earn Money Free". Here is says, "Funda is Simple, We are Giving Money of Advertisement. Users Installs the Apps and Advertisers Pay us and We Pay Users. You can Earn Unlimited without investing any money..."

This may sound good for a gullible person in need of free money, but remember, it is not as easy as it sounds. There are two serious issues with this claim from Champcash. One, there is no clarity on which 10 apps that a user is bound to install, open and use for at least a minute and second, why would an advertiser pay money to anyone for installing a third party apps? Also, if Champcash app is free, then why the user needs to punch in a sponsor ID?

Now, I have been using, testing several mobile apps since past several years, and have yet to come across anyone who offers money to install an app. It is the other way around. If you use free apps, then there may be some advertising popping up while you use it. And if it is a paid version, then there would not be any advertisement besides providing your some more features of the app.
Since Champcash claims to receive and distribute money to everyone who uses its app, we asked a few questions around. First, we asked regulators, if Champcash is registered with them, since it is in money circulation business. In an email reply, an official from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) clarified, "The company (Champcash or Champion Networks Pvt Ltd) is not registered with us - neither as an authorised entity under Payment and Settlement Act nor as an NBFC."

Reduce Ping With DNS - What is DNS - How to Use it - Education Purpose Only

  Reduce Ping With DNS - What is DNS - How to Use it - Education Purpose Only #nayanparmar #successtechnohub #...